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Consider Hosting Your
Special, Event Here!

SINCE 1928 

Rehearsal Dinner

Retirement Party,
Weekend Away,

Between Two Guardians...
  • Our MH Queen is recouping well!!
She is already practicing her post cancer comedic material.  Chemo & Grandkids are helping her kick cancer's butt .
  • Winter is Coming...? Coming or Going we're making strides on some interior updates, as well as getting in some good sidecar rides!
  • Winter Plants are all inside...? And by the looks of things they' plan on stayin'.  (Have you ever told a fern to get it's feet/leaves off the couch?)
During this time our response to queries may take a little longer (power tools beat phone beeps every time) so reach out to us via the contact button or text us @ 309.310.7049.  Regardless of what winter brings, we look forward to see how the MH can put the icing (good kind) on your upcoming event.
Welcome to the MagicHouse!

Some Formal Spaces...

Built in 1928 by Architect Charles E. Hall, a prominent builder, contractor, and philanthropist of his day, the home stands in the historic Founders Grove Neighborhood of Bloomington.  Aside from a showpiece of what his firm could create, Hall made it his family's residence with designs showcasing an attention to detail from a bygone era. 


Hall hosted various fundraising events and tours for Bloomington Hospitals and various Chamber of Commerce soirées.  He knew what he wanted in a home and worked to ensure that it suited his needs as well as his business stature. 

In opening it up to guests and visitors, we seek to celebrate, share and  preserve his achievement.

Consider Hosting Your Special Event Here at the MagicHouse



Its unique layout has provided a superb small event space for hosting events throughout the years. The MagicHouse has a rich history as a flexible backdrop for events such as a 'Christmas at the Mansions' venue or small wedding to an outdoor 'Cinema-Under-The-Stars' theater space for the neighborhood.



A beautiful Japanese Dwarf Crabapple sits on its throne and holds court in the lower garden every spring. 


The King once plucked an early bud to present to the Queen one season. She scolded the King for not letting it run its true course. 
(The tree now only fully blooms every other year)



Located just outside of Bloomington proper and covered in vines for decades it went easily unnoticed. 
(Only adding to the charm)

As in life, if you don't slow down, you might miss the Magic.



With the motto of:

"Always Mess with the Sauce"


The MH Supper Club meets regularly and given the right opportunity; they are eager to showcase their secrets
on occasion....maybe yours?

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